Rolling Along to New Wheels for Precious Cargo
Between Aug. 2020 and Jan. 2021, more than $430,000 was committed through our Foundation’s New Wheels for Precious Cargo campaign to fully fund a new critical care ambulance for Prisma Health Children’s Hospital—Midlands. The new, highly specialized ambulance will replace an aging vehicle. It’s bigger, and bigger is better—with enough space to transport up to two children, along with a dedicated critical care nurse and respiratory therapist for each child. The ambulance will be equipped with safety features, life-saving medical equipment and a DVD-player to help distract a child experiencing pain or anxiety. Although production is a bit delayed due to COVID-19, the chassis is now complete, and the ambulance box is under construction in Iowa. We are looking forward to celebrating the arrival of the ambulance this fall.

Even while the pediatric transport program waits on its new wheels, it continues to fulfill a vital role for our region by responding to calls from surrounding hospitals when a critically ill child needs to be transported. Just ask the Gaddy family of Winnsboro, S.C.
A fun afternoon outside in late April came to a terrifying—and painful—stop for six-year-old Brees Gaddy. After hopping off a bike into a pile of leaves, Brees was bit in the leg by a copperhead snake. His father rushed him to Providence-Fairfield County Emergency Room, where anti-venom medication was started and he was stabilized. The ER team determined Brees needed more specialized care, and Prisma Health’s pediatric transport team was called.

Brees is one of approximately 600 children, including preemature babies, transported by the team annually. We are grateful to all the generous donors who supported the campaign to help give critically ill babies and children the best chance at life.